Larger pieces in 20 degres system

The following diagrams show the grown pieces in the 20 degree set used to create an 18 sided polygon.

From each iteration, all pieces are grown by the length of the long diagonal in the thin diamond. Thin diamonds TD0 to TD5 and TD6are shown in the following diagrams.

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The medium diamonds MD0 to MD5 are shown in the following diagram.

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The saucer in the center of the above transform has its own transforms SC0 to SC4, shown below.

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The double saucer in the center of the above transform has its own transform DSC0 to DSC3 shown below.

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The big double saucer in the center of the above transform has its own transform BDS0 to BDS2 shown below.

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The equilateral triangle has the following transforms T0 to T4.

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The Y-shaped star in the transform above has its own transform Y0 to Y3 shown below.

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The big Y-shaped star in the transform above has the following transform BY0 to BY2

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The fat diamond is grown as FD0 to FD4 in the diagrams below.

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The six-pointed star S0 to S3 is shown below.

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The big six-pointed star BS0 to BS2 is shown below.

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The thin hexagon TH0 to TH3 is shown below.

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The medium hexagon MH0 to MH3 is shown below.

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The bowtie, used in the transform above, has its own transform shown below B0 to B3.

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Return to the 18 sided polygon system.

Copyright 1998-2004 by Jim Millar